differ differ v. 違う, 異なっている; 意見を異にする. 【副詞1】 My wife and I sometimes differ acutely, but we are happy. 妻と私はときにひどく意見がくい違うけれど, 幸福である The two sides still differ appreciably. 両者は今もはっきり意見が違っている
shishimai is seen all over japan , and its styles differ greatly from place to place . 日本の獅子舞は、全土で行われておりバリエーションは多岐にわたる。
prices of traded products differ greatly depending on the quality of tea leaves used . 原料とする茶葉の品質いかんによって、取り引きされる製品の値段には大きな開きがある。
the evaluations of nobunaga ' s work differ greatly depending on the time and the person who interprets it . 信長の事績の内容に対する評価は、時代や解釈する者によって大きな差がある。
a kofun was burial method for a few specific people and differ greatly from graves of other constituent member-groups at that time . それは、特定のわずかな人たちの埋葬法であり、同時代の集団構成員の墓と著しく隔絶したものである。
the ryuteki flute and nohkan flute , which were used by the upper classes such as court nobles and samurai , differ greatly from the shinobue in that they are adorned with decoration requiring time and care such as wrapping and paintings . 貴族や武家など上流階級が用いた「龍笛」「能管」では、巻き・塗りなど手間のかかる装飾が施されていることが「篠笛」との大きな違いである。
the ryuteki flute and nohkan flute , which were used by the upper classes such as court nobles and samurai , differ greatly from the shinobue in that they are adorned with decoration requiring time and care such as wrapping and paintings . 貴族や武家など上流階級が用いた「龍笛」「能管」では、巻き・塗りなど手間のかかる装飾が施されていることが「篠笛」との大きな違いである。
it was not a political marriage between families , but was for a private purpose , and it did not differ greatly from thinking that a father and grandfather of a partner was at a similar level as one ' s own father or grandfather , and brother-in-law was at the same level as brothers . それは家と家との政略結婚というよりは個人的であり、配偶者の父、祖父はじぶんの父、祖父にも準ずる、義理の兄弟は兄弟に準ずるという範囲で理解していれば大きくは違わない。
for example , some common dishes , such as zoni (vegetable soup containing rice cakes ), sekihan (festive red rice ) and oden (japanese hotchpotch foods served in a pot ), have different seasonings (soy sauce , salt , sugar , white miso or red miso , etc .) according to each local community , so they differ greatly from each other . 例えば、雑煮、赤飯、おでんなどは地方によって味噌・醤油・塩・砂糖など味付けが異なり、かつ白味噌・赤味噌などの細かな分類がある為地域差が大きい。
because the tales follow historical events , the reader may sometimes mistake the whole tale as historical fact , however , authors often dramatized their stories or wrote with limited knowledge of actual events , therefore the events in the stories can differ greatly from historical fact (similar to war chronicles ). 歴史の流れに従っているため、物語を全て史実のように錯覚してしまうケースもあるが、作者による演出の挿入や作者が当時知っている範囲で書かれていることも多いために、作中のエピソードと史実が合致しない事例も有り得る(軍記物語にも同様のことが言える)。
during the middle ages , the so-called medieval mythology (chusei nihongi ) developed , including military epics such as " taiheiki " (the record of the great peace ), kagakusho (books on the study of waka poems ) and commentaries on them , as well as the origins of temples and shrines , which were based on " nihon shoki " (chronicles of japan ) yet differ greatly in content . 中世に入ると、『太平記』などの軍記物、歌学書やその注釈、寺社縁起などにおいて『日本書紀』にもとづきながらその内容に大きな差異が認められる、いわゆる中世神話(中世日本紀)が発達した。